With the growing demand in the wellness world, Men-Tsee-Khang started its first batch of 6-month Sowa-Rigpa Mild therapy courses open to accepting applications from any individual interested in becoming a certified Sowa-Rigpa Mild Therapist. It was also made available for the Retreat/wellness centers that wish to equip their recruits with the knowledge/skill on the condition that they could speak and write in Tibetan since the medium of instruction is in Tibetan. The institute had previously held such courses only for the recruits for the therapy centers of the institute and Vana Wellness Retreat.

With Orientation on the 1st of September, the theoretical and practical course will be over in the next six months. Apart from the individual applicants, Vana Wellness Retreat has also sent its recruits at their expense. For more information on the next Sowa-Rigpa Mild Therapy course, please mail od@men-tsee-khang.org.