Men-Tsee-Khang Sowa-Rigpa College Teaching Hospital

Men-Tsee-Khang Sowa-Rigpa College Teaching Hospital established in 1968 is situated adjacent to the main college building and entrance of Men-Tsee-Khang Institute. The Hospital runs both Out-Patient Department and In-Patient Department functioning as the primary healthcare center for the local Tibetan and Indian communities as well tourists from all over the world. It has the entire necessary infrastructure such as OPD, IPD, dpyad sbyong (External Therapy and Surgery) Minor OT section, well-equipped les-nga (External & Rejuvenation Therapy), Physiotherapy units, and Biochemical, Haematological investigations, and Radiology investigations as per our Memorandum of Understanding with Delek Hospital. The hospital stays open from 9 am to 5 pm throughout the week and is closed only on the second Saturday.

Out-Patient Department

The Out-Patient Department (OPD) of Men-Tsee-Khang College Hospital is the primary healthcare center where the patients get evaluated and diagnosed by respective doctors for delivering the institute’s sincere healthcare services to the communities. The OPD room is divided into 7distinct units including 3 consultant units, 1 dispensary and medicine storage unit, 1 cashier unit, 1 reception unit and a spacious in and out door waiting unit with well furnished seating arrangements.

In-Patient Department


The In-Patient Department (IPD) of Men-Tsee-Khang College Hospital is a secondary healthcare center where patients who need intensive healthcare and further treatments are required to be admitted. The IPD room is divided into male and female wards with well-furnished bathrooms, beds, and a kitchen.