
The library forms the core part of any educational institution especially in schools, colleges and universities all over the world. As such it is an integral part of any teaching and learning process in Tibetan Medical and Astro. College. Librarian takes the main responsibility for the overall development and management of Library and to cater the needs of students, teachers, researchers and staff members of the institute.
The aim is to preserve and conserve information materials especially in the field of Tibetan Medicine and Astro-science as well as dissemination of information (print and non-print forms).
Collection of Books
The library’s main repository consists of more than 8000 titles mainly in Tibetan and English languages and other languages too.
The library houses:
Tibetan Medicine and Astro-science books
related books in traditional medicines, Psychology, Sciences, western medicines, languages and history
books by and about His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Tibetan and English
collection of unique Tibetan scripts like “Kagyur Series” (Translated word of Buddha – 132 volumes) and “Tengyur Series” (120 volumes of Buddha’s teachings in Tibetan)
commentaries on works of Buddha in 252 volumes of (Tripitaka, translated teaching) in book forms; Over a hundred Pechas (Ancient Tibetan Buddhist manuscript)
Sorig-Kundue, the sixty volume books on Tibetan medicine – the main reference book for researchers and teachers are all preserved.
Facilities and Services
Library strives to cater to the various needs of the patrons on regular basis with the resources and facilities available.
The facilities like book loan, multimedia service, newspapers and periodicals, locker, reprographic services, book binding service, reference material (such as dictionaries, encyclopaedia, almanac, handbook) etc are provided in the Library.
Library Timing :
09 AM-5 PM (Lunch Break 1 PM -2 PM )
( Closed on Sunday, 2nd & 4th Saturday and Official Holidays )